Pediatric Dentistry
Healthy dental habits in childhood lead to fewer dental problems as children get older.
Is it time for your child to start receiving dental care?
Well, you are in luck because the professionals at Bumgardner Family Dental are well-trained in pediatric dental services for children of all ages. Our pediatric services focus on standard dental health, specialized dental treatments, and preventative measures for athletic children.

Pediatric Fluoride Treatment
When caring for the dental health of young children, cavities are one of the biggest concerns. We believe the best approach is to focus on prevention and treatment together. So, we utilize a new and very beneficial product called Silver Diamine Fluoride.
This specialized fluoride contains a cavity-arresting medication. And because of this, Silver Diamine Fluoride can be used for children without cavities, but it is highly effective for those with a cavity that needs fixing. So, for example, if your child has a cavity that would usually require an operation to fill it, you could use this fluoride treatment instead. It works by stopping the spread of the cavity for a few years until the child is old enough to fill it or possibly not even need to fill it, depending on its size.
Dental sealants are another great way to help prevent cavities for children! Sealants are applied in thin layers to the surface of teeth as an added layer of protection, especially for teeth with indentations present or those in hard-to-clean areas of the mouth.
Athletic Mouth Guards
Is your child an athlete that keeps you on the go?
Then you should know that we are here to help ensure your child’s mouth and teeth stay safe no matter what sport they play!
In high-contact sports, there is an increased risk of damage to the mouth or loss of a tooth. These sports injuries can occur from contact with other players, ball-to-face impact after being thrown or kicked, or even a fall. Luckily, avoiding these injuries is as easy as preparing your child with the proper protection – a personalized mouthguard.
At Bumgardner Family Dental, we custom-make mouthguards to fit each client’s mouth perfectly, helping protect teeth from impact damage and the tongue from being bitten during a hit or fall. Additionally, we can also make mouthguards for children with braces.